Optidash Blog

New External Storage Connector - Alibaba Cloud OSS

Optidash API expands its storage integration to include Alibaba Cloud OSS, now supporting seven providers globally. Ideal for Asia-Pacific customers.

We are always working hard to increase the versatility of the Optidash API. We think our customers, especially those within the Asia-Pacific region, will be pleased with our latest addition to a list of supported external storage providers - Alibaba Cloud OSS. With that integration we now officially support seven providers: AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM, DigitalOcean, Rackspace and Alibaba Cloud.

Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, stands out as a leading cloud computing service provider on a global scale. It offers a comprehensive suite of cloud services, including computing, database, storage, network, and security, to businesses worldwide, helping them to innovate and grow in the digital era. Among its diverse offerings, Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a standout solution, designed to address the ever-growing need for scalable and reliable data storage.

What is Alibaba Cloud OSS?

Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a scalable, secure, and efficient cloud storage service that enables users to store, back up, and archive large amounts of data in the cloud. It is designed to offer 99.999999999% (11 nines) durability and 99.995% availability, ensuring that your data is both secure and accessible whenever needed. With its pay-as-you-go model, OSS provides an economical solution for managing vast data volumes without the need for upfront investment in physical hardware and infrastructure.

  1. Scalability

    OSS automatically scales storage capacity up or down according to your needs, accommodating anything from small businesses to large enterprises.

  2. Data Redundancy

    Implements automatic data replication across multiple zones to ensure high durability and availability.

  3. Security

    Offers robust security features, including server-side encryption (SSE) and access control lists (ACLs), to protect your data against unauthorized access.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness

    With its pay-as-you-go pricing model, you only pay for the storage you use, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

  5. Performance

    Designed for high performance, OSS supports a wide range of applications, from website content to big data analytics.

Alibaba Cloud OSS Connector

Alibaba Cloud OSS integration follows the same universal pattern we have for all external storage providers. Simply set alibaba as a provider within the storage hash and, at a minimum, provide your Alibaba credentials (key and secret) as well as a bucket name and the Alibaba Cloud OSS region where your bucket is located. The full list of supported regions can be found here. We also support additional parameters for objects in OSS such as Cache-Control headers or metadata.

We have updated our API docs with detailed instructions on Alibaba Cloud OSS.

    "store": {
        "provider": "alibaba",
        "key": "your-alibaba-key",
        "secret": "your-alibaba-secret",
        "bucket": "bucket-name",
        "region": "alibaba-oss-region"

Here’s a quick example of how to push processed images to Alibaba Cloud OSS with our official Node integration:

const Optidash = require("optidash");

* Instantiate `opti`

const opti = new Optidash("your-api-key");

* Provide a publicly available image URL with fetch(string) method,
* resize it to a maximum of 100 x 75 and instruct the API
* to storage resulting image(s) in Alibaba Cloud OSS

        strategy: "auto",
        width: 100,
        height: 75
        provider: "alibaba",
        key: "your-alibaba-key",
        secret: "your-alibaba-secret",
        bucket: "bucket-name",
        region: "alibaba-oss-region"
    .toJSON((err, meta) => {
        if (err) {
            return console.log(err);

Wrapping Up

Your feedback and questions are invaluable to us. Should you have any inquiries about integrating Alibaba Cloud OSS or if there’s a feature you’d love to see on Optidash, our doors (and inboxes) are always open. Contact us anytime, and let’s make your experience with Optidash even more remarkable.